What is Pinterest How to make money from it - Earn money from phone everyday

What is Pinterest : Welcome friends in another new article in which we are going to tell you how to earn money from Pinterest. You can earn money from Pinterest just like Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter etc. But many people are not able to earn money from Pinterest due to lack of correct information.

If you also want to make money using Pinterest, read this article till the end, because in this article we have told you about 5 such ways to earn money from Pinterest, using which many people are earning millions of doller from Pinterest. Huh.

If you are a new user of Pinterest and you do not know how to create a pin, then in this article we have given you complete information about creating an account and pin on Pinterest stepwise. Therefore this article can be very beneficial for you.

So let's start this article without taking much of your time and first of all know what is Pinterest in Hindi.

What is Pinterest

Pinterest is a social networking website like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. on which you can publish posts, see other people's posts and like, comment, share posts. Content on Pinterest is in the form of Image and Short Video, so people often call it Image Website. Posts on Pinterest are called pins.

To use Pinterest, you have to create your own account on Pinterest like any other social media network, which is very easy. And after that you can pin the image of your choice to different boards or categories. Pinterest is a great money making app for women.

How to Create an Account on Pinterest

Creating an account on Pinterest is very easy, if you are facing any problem in creating your account on Pinterest then you follow the process given below.

#1 – First of all, download the application of Pinterest in your mobile, or you can open the official website of Pinterest in your browser. And click on Sign Up at the top.

#2 - After this you enter your email ID and create a password so that you will be able to login to your Pinterest ID in future, you must also fill your age. (If you want, you can also sign up with Facebook or your Google Account).

#3 – Now a new page will open in front of you, in which you have to fill your gender and name.

#4 - After this Pinterest will ask you to select some interest, you should select the category related to your interest. Keep in mind that you have to select at least 3 categories.

#5 – After this you have to select 5 topics related to your category.

#6 – Now you have to skip all the options that will come in front of you.

#7 – You have to login to the email ID that you entered at the end. An email will have come from Pinterest in your inbox, you have to open that email and click on Confirm Your Email.

Once you confirm the email, your account on Pinterest will be successfully created. And now you can earn money by regularly pinning on Pinterest.

How to Create a Pin on Pinterest

If you are a new user on Pinterest then using Pinterest can be a bit difficult for you as compared to Facebook, Instagram. But you can easily learn to use Pinterest by the steps given below.

1 - After creating an account, you will see many pins in Home, you click on the option with Profile made in the corner.

2 – In the section containing the profile, you will get a + icon, clicking on which you will get the option of Board and Pin. Here Board means category.

3 - You have to create a new board by clicking on the board. For this, first you give the name of the board and then click on the option called Create.

4 - After this you will be asked to create a Pin, you can create a PIN of your choice and click on the Done option. In this way your Pin and Board will be published.

5 - When you create a new pin on the same category, you can add it to the previously created board. If you create a pin related to any category, then use a new board for that.

In this way you can easily create Board and Pin in Pinterest.

How To Make Money With Pinterest -

We have told you about the 5 best ways to earn money from Pinterest, through which many people are earning millions of rupees a month. If you are active on Pinterest regularly and publish 1 or 2 pins daily then you can earn a lot of money from Pinterest in future.

Before knowing about the ways to earn money on Pinterest, you also need to know what is the right process to earn more money from Pinterest.

         First of all, you choose a Niche, related to which you will publish the image on Pinterest. It is very important to choose Niche to earn more money than any platform.

       • After deciding Niche, you must publish at least 2 pins every day for 3 months.

       • Publish the PIN in a Schedule. If you publish one pin in the morning and one pin in the evening, do so regularly.

       • Make your profile professional.

       • Follow other profiles related to your Niche.

       • Publish an attractive image.

       • If you follow this process regularly for 3 months then your followers on Pinterest will increase.

       • When the number of your followers will increase, you will be able to earn money from Pinterest through the following methods.

ways to make money on pinterest

Following are the 5 best ways to make money from Pinterest.

#1 – Make Money From Pinterest By Affiliate Marketing

If you become a good follower on Pinterest, then you can earn good money from Pinterest by doing Affiliate Marketing. Many affiliate marketers are earning millions of rupees a month through Pinterest because conversions are good on Pinterest. To read in detail about Affiliate Marketing, you can read our article on What is Affiliate Marketing.

#2 – Make Money With Pinterest With Sponsorship

Another way to make money on Pinterest is through sponsorship. When the number of followers on your Pinterest increases, many companies will contact you for sponsorship. Because whenever companies launch a new product, it goes to the Influencer to promote the product. You have to promote the company's product in your post and in return the company gives you money. Influencer whose number of followers is in million, the company gives them lakhs of rupees for a sponsorship.

#3 – Make Money From Pinterest By Reselling Business

You can also earn well by doing Reselling Business through Pinterest. Reselling Business is a business in which you have to sell the product of other company by adding your margin. There are many Reselling companies in India at present.

First of all, you have to select a good Reselling Company, and pin their product in your Pinterest Account, and when you start getting orders from there, then you have to book order for that person. Money is credited to your bank account within a week of order delivery.

You can do Reselling Business through applications like Meesho and Shopsy. Because both of these are the best reselling companies, through which we ourselves have earned money. 

Reselling business is a good way to earn money in the present time, because you neither need a store, nor do delivery nor any kind of support.

#4 – Earn money by sending traffic to the website from Pinterest

If you have a website and you want to earn money on your website through Google AdSense, Affiliate Marketing, or any other way, then you need traffic. Without traffic you cannot earn money from website. If traffic is not coming to your website, then you can earn money by sending traffic to your website through Pinterest.

Whenever you pin someone on Pinterest, you must also add a link to your website in it. With this, whenever a user sees your post on Pinterest, he will click on the image and come to your website. And along with the traffic of your website, earnings will also increase.

#5 - Earn money by selling your own product

If you have a product, then you can also earn money by selling your product through Pinterest. You can pin your product's image to Pinterest, and if you have your own business website, you can also add a link to your website to the pin.

When a user likes your product, then by clicking on the image, he will reach the website and will buy the product from there. But you have to keep in mind that your product should have quality.

Conclusion: What is Pinterest and how to make money from it

In today's article, we have shared with you information about how to make money with Pinterest . You can earn money from Pinterest through these five ways mentioned in the article.

Choose whichever method you choose, and keep publishing Pins to Pinterest regularly. If there is continuity in your work, then after 3 – 4 months from today you will earn good money from Pinterest.

Hope you must have liked this article written by us, if you have got some benefit from this article, then you must share it with your friends on social media, and also help them to earn money online.


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